LIGA ARMWRESTLINGU W BUŁGARII - 3 KOLEJKA # Siłowanie na ręce # Armwrestling #


W dniu 29 czerwca 2007 roku rozegrana została kolejna edycja Professional Armwrestling League w Bułgarii. Tym razem najlepszym z bułgarskich armwrestlerów został Plamen Kisov, który zdobył komplet punktów na lewą rękę. Drugie miejsce zajął M.Hristov zaś na trzeciej pozycji uplasował się M.Pantaleev. Oto oficjalna informacja z tych zawodów:

On the 29 of July on the beach, “Vodopada" in the city Liaskovets was conducted the 3rd Round of the Professional Armwrestling League. In first place with 211points, the men who classificate himself is Plamen Kisov, who presented himself perfectly on left had (without a loss); and on right had he lost from Georgi Cvetkov, Krasimir Kostadinov and Nikolai Ivanov.

In 2nd place - only with 11 points less than the winner - classificates his playmate from AK Blagoevgrad Mario Hristov with 200 points. 3rd place with 199 points took Marin Pantaleev from AK Vitosha, who allowed one loss on left hand and three in right. Krasimir Kostadinov with 198 points remain in 4th place and won the race on right hand without a loss, the 5th place was for Nikolai Ivanov with 190 points, 6th place took Georgi Cvetkov with 170 points, before the last place is Emil Ilchev with 162 points. In eight positions is Emanuil Manasiev with 126 points, who did not win nether one mach.

After this win Plamen began to lead in the temporary classification with 437 point fallowed from Krasimir Kostadinov with 389 point, in 3rd place with 379 points is Marin Pantaleev, with 366 points is Mario Hristov, who is 4th. In 5th e place with 365 points is Nikolai Ivanov.

The next IV Round will be on 07 July 2007 in the Aqua Park OLYMPIA in the city of Rousse.